
The University of Melbourne

澳洲 公立

关于墨尔本大学录取部禁止复制Acceptance form的说明

阅读:1813次 添加时间:2017-05-23 编辑: hanyingying

最近墨尔本大学国际录取部发现部分学生在申请我们的conditional Coe的时候, 复制其他学生的Copy of Acceptance form用于自己的conditional Coe申请。

请特别注意,录取部不允许复制学生的Acceptance form用于申请另外一个学生conditional Coe.


请参考附件申请conational Coe 的流程,特别注意以下文字:


1. Representative to upload the following documents against the student’s mid-year application by 12 May 2017.


a. Completed copy of the Conditional eCoE checklist

上传填写完整的Conditional eCOE Checklist

b. Certified academic transcript of results, including 7th semester studies


c. A complete grading scale must also be provided if this has not been submitted earlier. If the transcript includes letter grades, a numerical grading scale must also be provided for these.


2. If the request is approved International Admissions will send a confirmation email and the Conditional Acceptance Agreement form.

录取部门先审核学生相关资料,符合条件的学生,我们才会发一封确认信和 Conditional Acceptance Agreement form

3. Representative creates an eCOE on PRISMS and then uploads the completed Conditional Acceptance Agreement form, signed by the student, to the online application.

之后在网上系统PRISMS上创建eCOE,上传学生签字好的Conditional Acceptance Agreement form

如果符合条件的学生,请耐心等待国际录取部签发学生的Acceptance form。

附件:   China -July 2017 Conditional ecoe requirements Graduate students - Information for Representatives.pdf