

新西兰留学» 新西兰艺术与设计» 奥克兰理工大学设计专业


阅读数: 7263更新时间: 2019-01-28 23:36作者: harriet
已发送 7197份2020年招生简章
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  • 所属国家:新西兰
  • 大学:奥克兰理工大学
  • 课程学制:3/4年
  • 开学时间:2月
  • 用户口碑:(0)条口碑
  • 就业率:N/A
  • 专业排名:N/A
  • 学费:32850.00纽币/年

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2021 2020 2019 2018 2016 2017 2015 2014 2013 2012
430+ 440+ 460+ 440+ 440+ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A




1.Communication Design Major - Bachelor of Design

Year 1You study the following papers

GRAD501 Communication Design Studio I (30 points)GRAD502 Communication Design Studio II (30 points)

GRAD503 Materials and Media  I (15 points)GRAD504 Materials and Media II (15 points)

GRAD505 Design Research I (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

GRAD601 Communication Design Studio III (30 points)GRAD602 Communication Design Studio IV (30 points)

GRAD603 Materials and Media III (15 points)GRAD604 Design Research II (15 points)

You also study two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

GRAD701 Communication Design Studio V (30 points)GRAD702 Communication Design Studio VI (45 points)

GRAD703 Design Research III (15 points)GRAD704 Design Research IV (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

2.Digital Design Major - Bachelor of Design

You need to complete 120 points each year and 360 points for the entire degree. In each year you study core compulsory papers within your major and seleced minor.

Year 1You study the following papers

DIGD501 Digital Design Studio I (30 points)DIGD502 Digital Design Studio II (30 points)

DIGD503 Introduction to 3D Animation (15 points)DIGD504 Theory and Context I (15 points)

DIGD505 Theory and Context II (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

DIGD601 Digital Design Studio III (30 points)DIGD602 Digital Design Studio IV (30 points)

DIGD603 Theory and Context III (15 points)DIGD604 Theory and Context IV (15 points)

You also study two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

DIGD701 Digital Design Studio V (30 points)DIGD702 Digital Design Studio VI (45 points)

DIGD703 Theory and Context V (15 points)DIGD708 Professional Practice for Digital Design (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

3.Fashion Design Major - Bachelor of Design

You need to complete 120 points each year and 360 points for the entire degree. In each year you study core compulsory papers within your major and seleced minor.

Year1You study the following papers

FASD501 Fashion Design Studio I (30 points)FASD502 Fashion Design Studio II (30 points)

FASD503 Fashion Design Theory I (15 points)FASD504 Fabric Interfaces (15 points)

FASD505 Human View (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

FASD601 Fashion Design Studio III (30 points)FASD602 Fashion Design Studio IV (30 points)

FASD603 Fashion Design Theory II (15 points)FASD605 Fashion Technologies (15 points)

You also study two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

FASD701 Fashion Design Studio V (30 points)FASD702 Fashion Design Studio VI (45 points)

FASD703 Fashion Design Theory III (15 points)FASD704 Technologies for Design (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

4.Industrial Design Major - Bachelor of Design

You need to complete 120 points each year and 360 points for the entire degree. In each year you study core compulsory papers within your major and seleced minor.

Year 1You study the following papers

PRDD501 Industrial Design Studio I (30 points)PRDD502 Industrial Design Studio II (30 points)

PRDD503 Industrial Design Context I (15 points)PRDD504 Industrial Design Technology I (15 points)

PRDD505 Industrial Design Drawing and Communication (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

PRDD601 Industrial Design Studio III (30 points)PRDD602 Industrial Design Studio IV (30 points)

PRDD603 3D Digital Modelling I (15 points)PRDD604 Industrial Design Technology II (15 points)

You also study two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

PRDD701 Industrial Design Studio V (30 points)PRDD702 Industrial Design Studio VI (45 points)

PRDD703 Industrial Design Context II (15 points)PRDD704 Human Centred Design (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

5. Interaction Design Major - Bachelor of Design

You need to complete 120 points each year and 360 points for the entire degree. In each year you study core compulsory papers within your major and seleced minor.

Year 1You study the following papers

GRAD501 Communication Design Studio IGRAD502 Communication Design Studio II

GRAD503 Materials and Media IGRAD504 Materials and Media II

GRAD505 Design Research I

Plus one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

INRD601 Interaction Design Studio IINRD602 Interaction Design Studio II

INRD603 User Experience (UX) DesignINRD604 Design Research II

Plus two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

INRD701 Interaction Design Studio IIIINRD702 Interaction Design Studio IV

INRD703 Design Research IIIINRD704 Design Research IV

Plus one paper from your chosen minor.

6. Spatial Design Major - Bachelor of Design

You need to complete 120 points each year and 360 points for the entire degree. In each year you study core compulsory papers within your major and seleced minor.

Year 1You study the following papers

SPAD501 Spatial Fabrication Studio I (30 points)SPAD502 Spatial Design Studio I (30 points)

SPAD503 Spatial Theory I (15 points)SPAD504 Digital Techniques I (15 points)

SPAD505 Spatial Drawing (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

SPAD601 Spatial Fabrication Studio II (30 points)SPAD602 Spatial Design Studio II (30 points)

SPAD603 Spatial Theory II (15 points)SPAD604 Digital Techniques II (15 points)

You also study two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

SPAD701 Spatial Fabrication Studio III (30 points)SPAD702 Spatial Design Studio III (45 points)

SPAD703 Spatial Theory III (15 points)SPAD704 Digital Techniques III (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

7. Textile Design Major - Bachelor of Design

You need to complete 120 points each year and 360 points for the entire degree. In each year you study core compulsory papers within your major and seleced minor.

Year 1You study the following papers

TEXD501 Textile Design Studio I (30 points)TEXD502 Textile Design Studio II (30 points)

TEXD503 Textile Design Theory I (15 points)TEXD504 Textile View (15 points)

TEXD505 Textile Technologies I (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.

Year 2You study the following papers

TEXD601 Textile Design Studio III (30 points)TEXD602 Textile Design Studio IV (30 points)

TEXD603 Textile Design Theory II (15 points)TEXD604 Textile Technologies II (15 points)

You also study two papers from your chosen minor.

Year 3You study the following papers

TEXD701 Textile Design Studio V (30 points)TEXD702 Textile Design Studio VI (45 points)

TEXD703 Textile Design Theory III (15 points)TEXD704 Textile Technologies III (15 points)

You also study one paper from your chosen minor.






奥克兰理工大学的本科及硕士课程通常为2月和7月入学,需要注意的是她的设计与创意学院及法学院下的专业基本每年只有2月开学。因此,考虑申请奥克兰理工大学设计,传媒,视觉艺术 ,创意科技,法律以及教育专业的学生请尽可能提前申请,因为如果错过2月入学,将会耽误1年的时间。






新西兰的设计相对于美国的更加的概念化。这与英国的教育传统和课程设置有关。英国大部分的艺术类研究生是Master of Art,缩写为“MA”,属于文学硕士,更加注重理论性。梅西大学平面设计和可视化硕士专业理论与实践是相互交织的

