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格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences

Social and Political Sciences

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  • 所属国家:英国
  • 学院学费(本科):0
  • 学院学费(硕士):0
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格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences介绍

Welcome to the School of Social and Political Sciences. We take an interdisciplinary approach to the Social Sciences making a dynamic and engaging teaching and research environment. By l inking core Social Science disciplines we deliver high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and cutting-edge research. We offer a wide variety of courses for everyone interested in the development and impact of eco nomies and societies globally. Our undergraduate and postgraduate courses provide knowledge, skills and training relevant to a broad range of careers, and the flexibility of our courses and their interco nnections allows for the exploration and analysis of all aspects of eco nomies and societies, informed by co ntemporary concerns.

The School includes over 100 academic and research staff and a large community of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Our staff profile is multi-disciplinary across the key social sciences, with a strong internatio nal profile. Our research is arranged around themes that demo nstrate our interdisciplinary and inter-institutio nal collaborations. School staff have expertise in a range of innovative methodological and theoretical approaches, and this provides an excellent enviro nment for learning and research in each of our subject areas, which include broad fields such as politics and sociology, and major centres of research in eco nomic and social history, crime and criminal justice, the study of central and eastern Europe, and urban big data, urban planning and real estate. Academic staff engage extensively with public and private sector partners in research dissemination and knowledge exchange to advance understanding of social sciences, and we are proud of our record of impacting upon public debate, social and eco nomic policy development and practice based innovations.

In REF 2014, over 80% of the School’s research performance was assessed in the two top categories of 4* world-leading or 3* internatio nally excellent .

格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences口碑

格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences排名

格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences入学要求

格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences专业学费

格拉斯哥大学社科学院-Social and Political Sciences推荐专业2020热门更多»

格拉斯哥大学博物馆研究专业 学制:1年 雅思:7 托福:95 学费:19350.00英镑/年 免费申请
格拉斯哥大学电影策展专业 学制:1年 雅思:7 托福:100 学费:19350.00英镑/年 免费申请
格拉斯哥大学城市分析专业 学制:1年 雅思:6.5 托福:90 学费:20750.00英镑/年 免费申请
格拉斯哥大学公共政策与管理专业 学制:1年 雅思:6.5 托福:90 学费:20750.00英镑/年 免费申请
格拉斯哥大学公共与城市政策专业 学制:1年 雅思:6.5 托福:90 学费:20750.00英镑/年 免费申请
格拉斯哥大学政治传播专业 学制:1年 雅思:6.5 托福:90 学费:20750.00英镑/年 免费申请




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